
I left it, the last thread, I left it, unattended, Fearing I would just ruin it, Ruin the feelings that you left it with, Because my feelings change honey, They run wild, And with me, I knew, You couldn't run, even a mile. All Rights Reserved. Β©

2017 Wind- up

Hallo! So, everyone's geared up for the new year. We are all set to welcome the year with open arms. Some of you, who would be reading this would be snuggled in your blanket, peacefully waiting for the year to begin. Most will be out partying, kissing 2017 goodbye. I am the not-so-much-into-partying kind (Of... Continue Reading →

Back to Blog!!

Hola! What's up earthlings? Hope you people are doing great!Β πŸ˜€ Even if you aren't that much in a good mood,Β hang in there,Β things will get better. πŸ™‚ Meanwhile, I just wanted to say that, I'm back people! I'm back to blog. πŸ˜€ It has been a long time since I've posted ANYTHING. I was really missing... Continue Reading →

Au revoir!

Hey there! How are you all? It's been a hectic week this side, and the coming days are going to be more so. So, I've decided to take a break. πŸ™‚ A much needed one. πŸ˜… I'll be coming back in August. Till then, good bye! πŸ˜€ Have a nice time! πŸ™‚ ❀

2016 Wind- up

Hey there! The clock is ticking rather slow, or may I say its one second late this year (another second added to 2016). All of you must be gearing up for the new year's celebrations. I'd like to hear some of your plans. πŸ˜€ 2016 has been a year with lots of twists and turns,... Continue Reading →

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